This is how YOU entered the blogging world…

3 06 2010

One fine sunny day  in Chennai 😀 , you found yourself vetty to the core, since you had crossed only 2 days since you joined Atmel , and you have neither been allotted any work nor been given any material to study, but you have been given net to pass time 😉 .

As usual you were on Gchat, when one of your friends pinged you and asked “have you started blogging?”, then you remembered you had told few of your friends that you will start blogging soon. Then , you gathered following reasons and started blogging:

  • Seeing potential fans for your blog even before blogging, as mentioned above, you could not resist 😛
  • At this point of time, yourself could not believe that you are also blogging, since you never liked reading from screen, nor had the habit of reading books. But this six months of internship in AD has changed you a lot. You were forced to spend most of your free time in office’s net, thanks to your wonderful decision to shift from a PG with TV to one without one 😀 and your roommate Pradeep for not bringing his laptop most days to room,(difficult for him to walk about half an hour each day carrying that)
  • You wanted to say everyone, ” எங்களுக்கும் blog இருக்கு நாங்களும் எழுதுவோம் ” 😀 (@anand , ya its your quote :D, agreed)
  • you have read many blogs and inferred that it helps in remembrance, so you wanted to maintain it as a diary.
  • you have seen many blogging styles and you wanted to introduce a new ‘something different’ style 😀 . Now you are about to say ,”dipperent aama :P”,since you like Rajni, Vijay, Sachin, Federer,Brazil, and after all you chose Engineering and further ECE, ie,.. you have followed what 90% of people follow but now you wanted atleast your blog or the first post in your blog to be different 😉

You do not know if you would update this blog, or you would maintain the same style, but be proud that you also have a blog from now on. 😉

P.S: atlast I decided not to miss an experience